Supported Missionaries
Holley Family
Clint, Amy & Cameron
Ministering to the Lakota of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota
Our Ministry
- Teaching in the Mission School
- Establish After School Bible Clubs
Organize Mission Trips
- Serve in Various Local Church Ministries
Sean Grogan
Bio Updated Soon
Dalton and Norma Heath
World Wide New Testament Baptist Mission Mission Representative
Our Ministry
World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions is a missions service agency, serving local churches by assisting them in getting their missionaries to the field.
Our ministry is to maintain a mission agency that promotes the work of missions through presenting needy fields, surveying new fields, enlisting laborers, and assisting missionaries on deputation and on the field. We seek to awaken a vision of the needs of the world through printed materials, personal interviews, and mission conferences.
Marty and Lova Friske
Saulnier-Roberson Haven, Inc
(Prison Ministry)
Our Ministry
- Prison Chaplin
- Enangelization
- Initiation of Bible Studies
Dan and Sandra DeLong
MISSIONS, INC (Australia)
Our Ministry
We are a faith mission agency. Every missionary must trust God by faith to provide the financial and prayer support needed to enter the mission field. Missionaries are not guaranteed support by BIMI. They receive faith commitments from churches who agree to undertake their financial and prayer support. This includes all of the various directors. Financial integrity demands accountability. As good stewards of the funds God has entrusted to our care, we are accountable both to the government and to supporting churches.
Roy and Debbie Hodson
Scripture Memory Mountain Mission (Kentucky)
Our Ministry
The primary goal of SMMM/Camp Nathanael is to win the unsaved to Christ and encourage them in their Christian walk. Emphasis in placed upon constructive, consistent teaching of the Word of God on the level of the age group concentrating on evangelism, discipleship and Christian service. The mission does this in many ways with the intent of strengthening the local churches.
Dan and Rosalie Anderson
Appalachian Bible College
Our Ministry
For 60 years Appalachian Bible College has been a leader among accredited Bible colleges in educating and equipping servants in the Word of God for effective ministry in the local church. Immersion in the Word of God, godly relationships, and hands-on service mold students to think, live, and serve with biblical integrity.
Jimmy and Marie Westbrook
Baptist Mission to Forgotten People
Our Ministry
Whether it be an inner city ministry here in the states, mission work with the Gypsies, or ministries on foreign soil, Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples aims to reach people groups in all aspects of society throughout the world. In reaching out to those people who may be outcasts or ''forgotten,'' we are fulfilling each area Christ specified to the early Church.
Phil and Mary Ruth Taylor
Baptist Mid-Missions
Our Ministry
The Baptist Mid-Missions family exists to strategically advance the building of Christ's church, with His passion and for His glory, in vital partnership with Baptist churches worldwide.
Les and Jane Zerbe
Our Ministry
Central Missionary Clearinghouse is a non-profit corporation organized to promote Christianity and its principles through evangelistic and missionary endeavors including the establishing of churches and schools, translating, printing and distributing Bibles and Christian literature, and the use of all media available to present acceptably the message of Christianity
Isamo and Esther Welles
World Wide New Testament Baptist Mission
(Federated States of Micronesia)
Our Ministry
World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions is a missions service agency, serving local churches by assisting them in getting their missionaries to the field.
Our ministry is to maintain a mission agency that promotes the work of missions through presenting needy fields, surveying new fields, enlisting laborers, and assisting missionaries on deputation and on the field. We seek to awaken a vision of the needs of the world through printed materials, personal interviews, and mission conferences.
Al and Kim Yoder
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
Our Ministry
ABWE is a spiritually empowered family of servants committed to glorifying God by calling the nations to worship Him. We follow Christ’s command to make disciples among all the “ethne” (people groups) everywhere. As ambassadors for Christ representing our sending and supporting churches, we evangelize, make disciples, and train pastors and church leaders.
Doug and Paula Hodges
Daystar Missions
Our Ministry
The team concept is a key element of the Daystar vision. By sending multiple families to each location, not only is the scope of outreach increased but the potential for burnout is dramatically reduced. Here you will find the missionaries partnering with Daystar to reach a number of key locations.
Dale and JoAnn Loftis
Baptist Mid-Missions
Our Ministry
The Baptist Mid-Missions family exists to strategically advance the building of Christ's church, with His passion and for His glory, in vital partnership with Baptist churches worldwide.
Larry and Julie Ferguson
Volunteer Seedline Ministry
Our Ministry
The Ferguson Family has been working in full-time ministry for the last 18 years. After working as a Youth Pastor for 8
years, God called the Fergusons into Missions work which they have been a part of through Volunteer Seedline Publications for the past 10 years.
Carl and Glenda Vannoh
Our Ministry
We are a faith mission agency. Every missionary must trust God by faith to provide the financial and prayer support needed to enter the mission field. Missionaries are not guaranteed support by BIMI. They receive faith commitments from churches who agree to undertake their financial and prayer support. This includes all of the various directors. Financial integrity demands accountability. As good stewards of the funds God has entrusted to our care, we are accountable both to the government and to supporting churches.
Larry and Cindy Toner
Scripture Memory Mountain Mission
Our Ministry
The primary goal of SMMM/Camp Nathanael is to win the unsaved to Christ and encourage them in their Christian walk. Emphasis in placed upon constructive, consistent teaching of the Word of God on the level of the age group concentrating on evangelism, discipleship and Christian service. The mission does this in many ways with the intent of strengthening the local churches.